Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Monday, November 01, 2004

Well, Well, Well...

Another child has been rescued from a well. This time a 22 month old boy from Alabama remained trapped for 13 hours before Emergency Services could safely remove him from harms way.

Now, what the fuck do you supposed they are baiting these wells with that there is so many children falling in and becoming helplessly trapped on such a regular basis? Is there some malicious news reporter luring impressionable, naïve children into the well shafts by dangling a Snickers bar over the well's opening?

“C’mon, Billy. Just a little more...that's it..."

Or is this just a case of a cruel pre-school initiation hazing ritual gone a rye, where all the new children are required to wedge themselves into a dark and restrictive place in order to stage yet another mass media frenzy? Is leaping into wells the popular fad thing to do among pre-school toddlers?

Man, next time I need a little attention I’m taking a page out of these juvenile attention-seekers book and just leap headfirst into the nearest abandoned well shaft and simply wait for the bevy CNN reporters and Emergency Medical Services teams to arrive on location.


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