'Adult ADS' Farce
Why has this “Adult Attention Deficit Syndrome’ suddenly become to vogue with today’s slackers and deadbeats? What’s next? “Overactive Bladder’?
‘Adult ADS’ has become widely regarded as an acceptable excuse to justify everyone’s shortcomings.
“It’s not my fault, I suffer from Adult ADS.”
This pisses me off, and probably other proud procrastinators and slackers alike, to the max! Suddenly, it’s like everyone is allowed to perform their jobs half-assed because they tragically suffer from acute ‘Adult ADS’. Oh, boo-fucking-hoo!
I’ve been performing half-assed for 32 years and I don’t need any trendy medical excuses to explain my lack of actions!
Why should this only dawn on them only now later into life anyways? You mean the fact that they probably still have three unfinished college credits still pending, haven’t been able to hold down a job for more than three months, and that they have been instead channel surfing on the couch for the past 32-fucking-years with their bucket bongs wasn’t indication enough for them? Now all of a sudden, it's as if the "Excuse Fairy" has given them the perfect undiagnosed ailment to rationalize the fact that they are just a lazy, unmotivated schlep, who would rather just let everybody else around them do the work for them, and who can never even decide what they want to eat for lunch, much less what they want to achieve in life.
I don’t buy it anymore than I buy Carrot Top is the new Dali Lama.
The world has turned into a bunch of frickin’ crybabies. Grow up and take pride in your slacking! Don’t hide behind fabricated trendy ailments; embrace your inner slacker, you ADS pussies!
Huh? What post? Ooooo, a butterfly...what color? And now back to the bookshelves that I have been building for the last 13 years.
crazytigerrabbitman, at 7:57 PM
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