Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Blacksploitation and the New World Order

At the risk of sounding racist, I’d like to ask a question based on the observations I’ve made lately from the multiple CNN updates on the developing situation over in the Middle East. How come terrorists never take black hostages? I have yet so see a single Afro-American, or any other person of Negro decent for that matter, involved as a hostage in some hijacking or kidnapping by any radical fundamentalist organization.

Why is that?

You’ll NEVER see some black guy reading a list of demands in some videotape that has been mysteriously released to the media by some extreme terrorist regime.

“I ‘ave bin acksed to read yoo the followin’ shout-out. I ‘ave bin taken hostage by the peeps of ‘Ahmed’s Kebobs and Siocial Hizballah’, and they be demandin’ some serious bling in return for my safety. So far, we be treated well and we jes be chillin’ like villains. I’d like to give props to my new hommie captoores Mohammed and Sharrif who loosed up my restraints dis mo’nin – they be pretty coo’ brutha's. And I’d also like to send a shout out to L’il Jon and Ray Ray back home. - “Keep it real, yo!” Peace out.”

I guess that’s because among terrorists and hijackers, black citizens of the planet do not represent particularly good bargaining chips. Who’s going to kidnap someone when the most they could probably expect to get in return for their lives would be a bottle discount malt liquor and some used 50 Cent albums?


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