Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Sunday, May 07, 2006

My Cup Runneth Empty

I have a new pet peeve: tin cups!

Just about everybody has his or her hand out for a “tip” these days. Apparently, it is no longer understood that one can perform his or her work efficiently without expecting to be immediately rewarded for doing so.

It’s not the people whose areas of employment warrant a small monetary gratuity after they have performed some exemplary personal service over and above what was expected that I have a problem with – that’s normal. It’s all the other lazy idiots whom believe that just by putting out a tin can requesting tips, that people should be compelled to offer them extra.


You make a choice every morning when you wake up and put on your stupid paper hat before going into work that you will be expected to perform, while there, some menial service or labor for your employer. And for doing such service, you will be rewarded accordingly with something called a “weekly (or biweekly, monthly, or what-have-you) paycheck”!

Just because you work a minimum wage job and your zits could win prizes at the county fair, does not obligate me to leave you something extra just because you remembered to ask me if I wanted ketchup for my fries. If you expect something extra – earn it!

At the very least tell me how amazing I look, appear thrilled that I have decided to grace your presence, or at least compliment my choice of bedroom slippers when I shuffle in for my late night burger combo meal.

Honestly, there was a woman at the corner store this afternoon checking through shoppers with all the jovial sincerity of a rabid wildebeest, but there was her little tin cup on the counter politely asking for personal donations from those she so callously dismissed with nary a grunt of contempt.

For her cantankerous nature and a displayed skill set about as useless as that of the French war machine, I’d sooner drop my drawers and take a dump in her cup than leave anymore of my hard-earned money.


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