Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Monday, September 27, 2004


Tickets to the new WWE “Wrestlemania XXI” event to be held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California sold completely out in less than a minute!

Fuck me! Is that even possible? Did they sell them telepathically or something?

How fast can a single financial transaction be performed repetitively so that an entire sporting event of 15,000 screaming, clamoring, sign-waving, sweaty redneck fucktards can sell out in the bat on an eyelash? How many avid wrestling fans actually own credit cards anyways? I was certain that they normally they wouldn’t have had the good two cents needed in order to be able to make that kind of shrewd stealthy transaction.

This rapid acceleration of the world’s pace never ceases to amaze me. I wonder what ‘Andre the Giant’ would think about this incredible rate of business 21 years ago in 1985 at the first ever ‘Wrestlemania’ at Madison Square Garden? You could have sold out a venue with the same spatial capacity as that of the entire State of Oklahoma by the time it took poor Andre to change into his wrestling tights.


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