Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Of Moving Desks and Dragons

I have been forced to relinquish my beloved work desk in the distant, quiet, shadowy corner of the work floor where everybody forgot I was even there. It has now been moved to another spot right in the hub of all office place activity so that now I feel like a pimple on a shaved pony’s ass.


Besides now having to overhear everyone’s loud bitches, complaints, worries, distresses, concerns, etc, I am right in the proximity for everyone to disturb as they carry on their business oblivious to my wishes to remain anonymous for 8 ½ hours.

To make matters even worse, there is a girl who works on the opposite side of my own desk that has a statue of a dragon perched on her computer monitor that just stares at her fixatedly for her entire shift.

What a peculiar totem to bring with you every day to work!

How does somebody concentrate with a dragon staring at him or her all day? This isn’t one of them friendly dragons like Puff or Elliot; this is one evil looking, scaley, fire-breathing, child-eating devil’s serpent! Wouldn't that be a little too disconcerting to be of any real inspirational motivation?

Worse yet, is that from where I am sitting at my desk, I have to look at it’s dragons asshole for the duration of my 8 ½ hour work shift - isn't that great?

Talk about a bad moon rising!


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