Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Saline Solution

You know what freaks me out? Watching people drip saline solution into their eyes. This can't be a good practise!

I could never bring myself to do this. My eyes could be as dry as the Sahara desert so that the insides of my eyelids felt like fine grit sandpaper and I would still not be able to bring myself to lubricate them in this manner.

It just unnerves me when it comes to dropping things, ANYHING, into your eye sockets. The whole spreading of your eyeball open before maneuvering the eye-dropper over your exposed eye while you stare at the ceiling and then, carefully cascade that single drop of clear solution into your eye socket…SPLASH!

Christ – you may as well ask me to cut off my own tongue.

To my understanding, the human eye is not really designed or equipped to absorb the impact from falling objects being dropped into it. It just sounds like bad medicine to me. I have attempted to do this in the past when people have complained to me about red eyes; but my natural reaction is to just freeze staring down the barrel of that dropper and seeing that droplet, seemingly the size of a bowling ball from that precarious perspective, hanging there ready to plunge itself in to my eye…and…I…just…can’t…bring myself…to squeeze the plunger.

Moreover, people who do use saline solution in their eyes seem to do so on a regular basis as if they're hooked on the practise like some manic sadist. This can't be a healhty addiction under the circumstances. They're like saline junkies.

If ever I should feel the incessant need to moisturize my eyeballs, I will do so the old-fashioned way; by plucking at my public hair with tweezers until my eye sockets tear up on their very own - than you very much!


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