Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Blazing Down the Campaign Trail

Well, the Canadian election campaign is well under way and all parties have come out swinging.

Now, I know that for most of you readers, the topic of Canadian politics is about as enticing a topic as low fat ham. Hell, I’m Canadian and the whole upcoming election is about as daunting as leaping into a pit of dyspeptic hyenas. But this particular election campaign has already started off with an unusual bang as David Wilkins, the U.S. Ambassador to Canada, addressed Canadian political party members in an impassioned speech regarding the current developing campaign trend of sniping the White House in an effort to carry favor with disgruntled Canadian voters. Wilkins accused Prime Minister Paul Martin of using overheated political rhetoric, at America’s expense, in order to get reelected.

I have only one question: Who the fuck is this Wilkins guy anyways and when are we going to collectively kick his ass?

I may not be a devout Liberal supporter, but I respect the fact that Paul Martin has firmly stood his ground on political agendas such as improving cross-border relations, the Kyoto Protocol, and most recently, the climate change conference in Montreal. In response to Ambassador Wilkins, Martin quipped, “I will defend this country as I am the Prime Minister of Canada”.

I’ve said it once before and I’ll say it again: Fuckin-A, Paul!

Martin was unrepentant Wednesday, saying he wouldn't be "dictated to" on the subjects he can raise. And the fact is, Canada often figures in American election campaigns as well. In 2004, some Republicans widely portrayed their northern neighbor as the source of unsafe prescription drugs and a threat to American jobs because of the free trade deal. So what if we got some bones to pick and the shoe has now fallen on the other foot?


Shit, we're blamed for just about everything as it is now! Wasn't there even a song 'Blame Canada' nominated for an Academy Award for fuck sakes! So why shouldn't we be serving them a thick slice of bitch cake in return every now and again?

Sure, it also just so happens that Paul Martin is the chief rat in a den of thieves, but who hasn’t been caught with their hand in the cookie jar at one point or another? The bottom line here at the moment is that our Prime Minister doesn’t take shit from nobody – not Bob Geldof, not Bono, not the fucking Danish, not even ‘ol Dubya himself!

He’s not afraid to stand up for our country and has the cahones to speak his mind. And if that means repeatedly pointing out some of the more retarded political agendas being perpetrated by Big Brother south of the 49th parallel – so fucking be it! Crying foul is just the political equivalent of picking up your net and going home?


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