Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Importance Level: Charbroiled

My request to transfer down to a day shift has been denied again.

This pre-generated draft memo that I was issued from the ‘Work Force Management’ in order to inform me that my request for a long term schedule change had in fact been denied also clearly stated: “Importance Level: Low”.

Low? LOW? The possible consideration for future improvement on my current inconvenient and insane work schedule is “Low”? Who you calling "LOW", motherfucker?

We’ll see how my “Importance Level” ranks when those in Work Force Management are staring down the business end of a fully-fueled military flame propelling unit hissing like an angry python.

I know who I want to see served at the next 'Employee Appreciation Barbeque' come springtime.


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