Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Pharmacy Freakout

While renewing a prescription today, I somehow managed to unwittingly upset the pharmacist and received a good scolding in return. Now, the LAST person I would ever want to piss off in this world would be the person that refills my free drugs, buuh-lieve me! So I was taken rather aback by the confrontation immediately.

Apparently, my good manners are annoying. Who knew? She was genuinely insulted that I would continuely to refer to her politely as “ma’am”, as in: “Yes, ma’am” or, “thank you, ma’am.” Apparently, when addressing people, particularly professionals, they are made to feel old and worn when referred to in such a manner.

Wait! When did using good manners become a social faux pas? And why did she have to openly scold me in front of the other patients in the lobby in such a gruff manner as if I had just wiped my ass with her family quilt? Who pissed in her Corn Flakes this morning?

And besides, I’m the one with the annoying fucking rash on my balls! Would she rather I conduct myself in the manner more becoming of somebody feeling the way I do at the moment, because I’m quite sure that would be even more annoying to deal with!

“Just give me the fucking anti-fungal cream and fuck off, bitch! I’m itching like fuck over here! And you can save me the “application” speech while you’re at it since I practically have a goddamn PhD in slathering shit on my nutsack by now. Now just go back to counting your pills or whatever, okay sweetheart. Fuck you very much, ma'am.”

Of course, this would have been a more appropriate response at the time; but hindsight is only 20-20.


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