Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Tuesday, August 31, 2004


I would never subject myself to taking any IQ tests as I fear what the possible conclusions may indicate about my character. Imagine getting this result upon completing your test:

"Your intellectual type is 'Bimster'. This means you have the mental capacity of mouldy grapefruit and have the natural fluency of a chronic fatigued wombat and the visual and spatial strengths of a coma patient. Those skills contribute to your complete lack of creative instincts as you are not able to advance beyond eating crayons, sticking popcycles up your nose, and gluing yourself to the desk. You'd be better off serving as a speedbump in the parkinglot of the local shopping mall. You could best contribute to society by ending your life now with a shotgun and thereby ensure the advancement of the species as a whole. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results."

No, sir! I'm happy living in complete denial of my intellectual failings. Ignorance is bliss!


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