Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Third World Conditioning

However did Third World countries develope such a high standard in the Olympic diving competitions?

My guess is that these complicated and graceful maneuvers have been developed naturally back in their homelands after repeated attempts to sumersault, twist, and pike their way over the barbed-wire fences that line the various Concentration and Death camps in which they have lived for the majority of their wretched lives.

"Ohhh, that was an excellent triple-sumersault with a twist! Quiong Ho has indeed perfected this particular dive during his repeated attempts for freedom over the infamous North Wall of the 'Khmer Rouge Rehabilitation & Correction Facility' back in his native hometown of Kompong. The judges are bound to be pleased with that dive!"

I suspect it's the same theorem that explains to me why the Third World countries produce such successful marathoners. What else is there to do when you live in complete squalor but practise running away from it? It's just the natural conditioning process. If I were to walk a mere two city blocks to the corner store for Ding-Dong's and the monthly Swank magazine, my heart would probably spontaneously combust inside my chest. But these poor Third World people probably have to run 200 miles each day just to fetch useable firewood or suitable drinking water. Of course, they're going to be better conditioned. Their very lives depend on it!


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