Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Sunday, September 05, 2004

X-Files: The Stupid

Here's 90 minutes of my life I'll never be able to get back again. Bees, alien viruses, corn. Who knows what the fuck was really going on? I'm about as confused as blind man at an orgy. "It feels good, but I don't know what the fuck it is".

The only REAL question I really want answered is how in the hell does Agent Scully manage to not break her ankles running around in high heels? You'd think that if you were ever going to be stalking aliens and running around corn fields in the middle of the night while being chased by military search helicopters, you'd at least have the foresight to wear sensible shoes.

I can see the more likely dramatic scene playing out in my minds eye:

"C'mon, Scully! Hurry!"
"I'm coming, Mulder!"
"Faster Scully! There's coming!"
"I'm coming as fast as I can!"
...*pantpantpant*... SNAP! ...
"OH, OWWWW-EEE!! Muuuuuulder! I twisted my ankle running in my fashionable yet impractible platform heels, so take this alien bee syrum and go on without me! HURRY! "
"Whatever you say, Scully."

I'd leave her sprained ass there in a heartbeat.

Some uber-clever FBI agent!


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