Tofu Plankton Meatloaf

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Toe Hole Homicide

There was a hole in the toe of my sock today that drove me crazier than a basket of squirrels.

I could feel it poking through the ring of polyester in my sock like a fat rabbit trapped in its hole.

As the hours passed, I became more and more agitated with this annoyance had I been wearing sandpaper underwear. It was coming to the point where I was being steadily driven towards causing bodily harm – and I don’t mean my body!

The more irritated I became at having this constant discomfort in my shoe, the more I became nervous that I would uncontrollably snap completely and take out the innocent happy-go-lucky Syrian man that works be hind me with my keyboard.

“And goodz mornink to you, too!” WHAM!


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